Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Portrait Study"

"Portrait Study"
14 x 11 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
This is a quick 2 and half hour portrait study I did at the Lack Atelier here in Minneapolis, this is an alla prima portrait painting.   I wanted to warm up and get back into portrait painting, It's been a while since I've painted figures and portraits and have to devote more time to them especially the direction I want my main body of work to go.  It was great to be in an environment where other artist where creating and be inspired by them.  The model was great as you can see his beard was just to much fun to paint and his facial structure was perfect to paint.  I'm excited to do more of these in the near future apart from my usual alla prima paintings. 
I wanted to remind you guys that if anyone is in the Minneapolis area this Saturday the 18th, I'll be giving a portrait demo from 1-3 p.m.  Click here to get more information about the demo and directions to it.


Diana Marshall said...

Wonderful,you got so much detail in such a short time, you could easily finish it.

postcardsfromthemainline said...

This is a beautiful portrait. It looks perfect to me. I wish I were in Minneapolis to take your portrait workshop as I find portraits to be the very most difficult.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Jonathan. Warm up was successful!
Anonymous aka Carol B.
(sorry but Google only letting me sign in as Anonymous right now)