Friday, May 28, 2010


8 x 10 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Papayas are so delicious and I cannot believe I have not painted them till now. The texture and shape attracted to me to these guys, I hope with this painting I am able to show what drew me to these delicious fruits.  I also wanted to remind everybody that the voting is still going on, I really appreciate everyone who has voted for me.  If you are interested in voting for me to become the next Daily Painter just click here and all you have to do is click on 5 stars.  Its that easy, I am so blessed and excited for this opportunity, thanks again.
I started with the usual dry brush approach no mediums just a little of raw umber on the brush.  After establishing the drawing which I took it a bit further than usual so I can state the shadows and have more of a blue print, I then stated the shadows on the first papaya.  The mixture I used was ivory black, and viridian, I am taking it to as close to a finish that I can.  The only reason I cannot take the shadows to a finish at this stage because when I start laying in the surrounding colors it will effect the values and chroma within the shadows.
Then I started to lay in the mid tones or values, I used viridian, cobalt blue, and cadmium yellow light.  When stating the mid tones or values I saw that my shadows needed to shift in chroma and restate the darks.  Then I stated the lightest values which where naples yellow, cadmium yellow light, and a bit of titanium white.  I am constantly going back and forth from the shadows to the lights and adjusting accordingly so, making sure the right values and chroma's are in the right spots and are blending well.  I usually try to take it to a finish at this stage before moving onto the next papaya.
Then I started on the second papaya, again with the same mixture in the darks.  This area was a bit difficult to paint, black is a hard pigment to cover in one passage in an opaque fashion.  It's such a transparent paint, then to add reflective colors within it makes it a fun challenge.  After taking the darks to a close finish I moved onto the mid tones, again using the same mixture as the first papaya.  I am laying down the correct values in their right spots and also making sure the form is turning.
I then added the lighter values using the same mixture as the other papaya, at this point I am taking it to a finish making sure the darks are working well with the lighter values and the reflected lights.  Then I start on the wooden base, I used ivory black, cadmium orange, and cadmium red light.  I worry about the darks first before moving onto the lighter values, making sure to add details as well.
When the darks are looking well I then move onto lighter values and do the same, take it all to a close finish and make sure its working well with the whole painting.  I then filled in the background, I used naples yellow, cerulean blue, and titanium white.  At this stage I am softening the edges of the base and papaya where they meet with the background, I am also going back into the papaya and seeing if I need to add any more information to finish the painting.  This is the finished picture, it was a good challenge and fun to paint textures and reflective lights in the papayas, now onto the feast of these wonderful fruits! Thank you for stopping by and viewing, hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Nectarines 3"

"Nectarines 3"
8 x 10 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Hi everyone I wanted to thank you again for voting for me for the Daily Painters competition, the voting is going really well I'm excited and eager to see the results.  If you have not voted for me and interested in doing so you can click here and when you do all you have to do is click on 5 stars, and thats it! Its that easy.  Thank you again for all your help and support!
I started with a dry brush approach as usual I now use raw umber instead of burnt umber, I feel it has a lighter value quality than burnt umber.  Then I started with the first fruit went straight into the shadows and I used ivory black, cadmium red light, cadmium orange and a bit of cadmium yellow medium.  I am making sure that this stage is taken to an almost finish.
Then I move onto the mid value stage, I used cadmium yellow medium, cadmium orange and burnt sienna.  Making sure the form is turning and the edges are blending well with the other edges, again I am taking this one to a finish as well going back and forth to the darkest shadow to see if I need to go darker or not.  Then I state my lightest lights which was cadmium yellow light, and titanium white.  After putting in the lights I go back into the shadow and see that I have a little of cadmium orange as a reflected light so I go in and put that in.  Then I take it to a finish.
Then I start on the second fruit, I started with just the shadows as well and I used ivory black and a bit of cadmium red, and cadmium red light.  Then I move onto the mid tones which were cadmium red light, cadmium orange, and cadmium yellow medium.  I am just covering the areas that need to be covered I am trying not build excess paint, if I do then the paints start to become uncontrollable and messy.
Then I add the lightest values and I used cadmium red light, cobalt blue, and titanium white.   I was going all around the fruit making sure the values where working within each other and also seeing if the lights were believable.  Then I started on the final fruit, again with the shadows and used the same mixture as the last one.
You can tell this process is the same as the other two fruits, I then went into the mid tones and when that was taken to a complete level I moved onto the lightest values.  In each step I take it to a finish making sure the values and edges are working well with each other.  When the whole painting is filled in I will go back into the fruits and make necessary additions so it flows well with the whole painting.
Then I added the base, I used burnt sienna, and ivory black.  I then started to add the smaller details after the initial layer was stated, I then added the lighter values which was burnt sienna, naples yellow, and titanium white.  For the smaller details in the wood I used cadmium orange and cadmium red light.
This is the finished picture, I added the background after I finished with the wooden base.  I used cerulean blue, and titanium white, I made sure to go around the fruits and soften where they needed to be soften and not leave a real sharp edge.  Then I carried the background color onto the wooden base so it can look atmospheric and I also added a bit to the nectarines.  I went back into the nectarines and just pushed the darks a little darker and added a little highlights here and there, overall I am happy with the results.  I hope you enjoyed this one, thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Green Apple"

"Green Apple"
8 x 10 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Hi everyone I just wanted to remind you that I am still in the running to be in the top ten of the Daily Painters competition.  I am thrilled that I have made it this far, now I need everyones votes to get to the final round of voting.  If you want to vote for me just click here and all you have to do is click on the 5 stars and thats it! It's that easy.  I really appreciate everyone who has voted for me so far, this has been a personal goal of mine for a while to be a part of this organization.  Thanks again!
I started with a dry brush approach as usual, no mediums just a bit of raw sienna this time no burnt umber to start out.  After the drawing was established I filled in the shadows to the first apple, just concentrating taking it to an almost finished result.  I used ivory black, viridian, and cobalt blue.
Then I started filling in the middle tones and lighter tones, I used cobalt blue, viridian, cadmium yellow light, and titanium white.  In each step I make sure to jump back to the darks because their value gets affected by the lighter value I place next to it.  With the inside of the apple their were a lot of temperature changing from the bottom to the top.  I also made sure to soften the edges where shadow meets light.
Then I started on the second apple, again with the shadows, it's the same mixture as I did with the first apple except I included cadmium yellow medium.  As you can see I am also including the cast shadows of the apple, since there edges get lost in the cast shadow its best to state them now.
After filling in the mid and lighter values of the second apple, I stated the base which was burnt sienna, ivory black, and cadmium orange.  I do the same at this stage as I do with the apple try to take each stage to a finish before moving on to the other.
Then I added the mid and lighter values, I used burnt sienna, cadmium orange, naples yellow, and titanium white.  Then I filled in the background, I used cobalt blue, and titanium white I made sure to soften a lot of the edges when painting the background.  At this stage the painting starts coming together, I usually can see the finish line at this point.
This is the finished pic, I went back into some areas of the darks and just emphasized the blacks, I also went into the lightest values of the apple and brought it out a bit.  I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did, thanks for stopping by and viewing.  

Friday, May 21, 2010


8 x 10 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Hey everyone I wanted to remind you guys that the voting is still open, I want to say thank you to everyone who has voted for me and really appreciate it.  If you have not voted yet for me and want to it's really easy all you have to do is click here and just click on the 5 stars and thats it!  Its that easy!  I really all appreciate your votes.
I started with the usual dry brush approach no mediums were harmed in the making of this painting! just a bit of burnt umber on the brush and thats it.  After the drawing was completed I went into the shadows and the tones within the shadows.  I made sure to take it almost to a finish on the each stage that I start.  I am using ivory black, cadmium light red, cadmium yellow, and titanium white.
Then I add the mid tones and highlights, again taking it to a close finish.  I am using permanent rose, titanium white, and cadmium red.  I make sure the tones are working well with each other, bouncing back and forth from mid tones to highlights.  I then start on the shadow of the second peach, using cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, ivory black, cadmium orange and a bit of viridian.  I am making sure that I do not have to do major changes when I come to these areas, taking them to a close finish.
Then I add the mid tone values and highlights, I am using viridian, cadmium yellow light, and titanium white.  Once I put the them in my shadows start looking different, then I go back into the shadows and work on the chroma and value.  That's why I don't take it all the way to a finish but close enough when I do make those small adjustments it will be done.  After the second peach is done I move onto the darkest value of the base and add that information in, I also stated the cast shadows of the peach.  I am using ivory black, burnt sienna, burnt umber, and cadmium orange.
Then I add the mid values of the base, I used titanium white, naples yellow, and burnt sienna.  After the base was stated I moved onto the background I used naples yellow, cerulean blue, and titanium white.  When adding the background I made sure to clean the edges of the pears and base.  I also added the colors of the background on the base to give it an atmospheric feel. 
This is the finished pic, I added a little details here and there and just stopped.  It was good practice painting these little guys, I hope you enjoyed this one and thanks for stopping by!  

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Yellow Pepper"

"Yellow Pepper"
5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Hi everyone, I know I have mentioned this before but I am really excited about getting into the top 20 of the Daily Painters competition.  It's a big thing for me and its been a long goal of mine to be part of such a prestigious group, now I need to get the most votes I can to move onto the final round of voting.  If you would like to vote for me just click here and all you have to do is click on 5 stars and thats it! Its that easy! I appreciate your help thank you!
I started with the usual dry brush approach no medium just burnt umber on the brush, then I went a different rout with this painting instead of putting the mid dark values first I decided to put the mid light values and lighter values.  It was a good idea but after this experiment I am gonna stay with starting with darker tones first then working up from there.  I used cadmium yellow light, viridian, and titanium white.
Then I added the mid tones which were burnt sienna, burnt umber, and cadmium orange.  I am constantly making sure in each stage that the form is turning and the values look right.  I am also making sure the edges of each stroke I lay down are not distracting.  I then added the darker values of the pepper which was an ivory black with a little of cadmium red.
Then I added the stem in, with the start of the stem I started with the darkest value which was just straight ivory black.  Then I added the mid tone values which were viridian, cobalt blue, and cadmium yellow medium.
I then added the background which was naples yellow and titanium white, I made sure to soften the edge of the pepper when adding the background in.  Then I filled the base in with burnt sienna, burnt umber, cerulean blue, and ivory black.
I went back into the pepper and worked on the mid tone values, softening the edges and blending where it needs to be smoother.  The last pic is of the finished painting, I went into the darker values and pushed the tones more.  I also worked on the cast shadow and reflection on the base.  I think I am done with this series of peppers I did, they were fun to do and now onto the next! Thank you for stopping by and viewing my painting, Hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
I wanted to let everyone know, I got great news the other day that I made it to the top 20 in the Daily Painters competition.  It's been a goal of mine to be a part of their group, in order for me to move onto the final round of voting I need to be in the top ten.  I need to have all the votes I can get in order for this to happen, if you wanna vote for me click here and just click on the 5 stars and thats it! Its that easy, I really appreciate all your votes. 
I started with a dry brush approach no medium were used in this painting.  I used little raw umber on the brush to draw on the canvas.  I stated a little of the shadow shapes to give me a blue print where  I need to put in the shadows.  Then I added all the darks in the painting, I used ivory black, burnt sienna, and cadmium red.  I am taking the shadows to an almost finish, the reason why I do not take it to a finish is because when I add the other tones the darks will be effected by the tones around it so I will have to go back into it and darken it or lighten it.
Then I start adding the dark mid tones, I used cadmium orange, yellow ochre, and burnt sienna.  Then I added the mid light tones and lighter tones, I used yellow ochre, titanium white, and a bit of cadmium yellow medium.
By this stage I have all the information I need in the pear and I start shifting the paint around where they need to be placed and darken the shadows and add the highlights.  I am bring everything to a finish and moving onto the next stage.  Then I added the mid and light tones in the base, I used burnt sienna, burnt umber, and titanium white.
I then added the background which was naples yellow, titanium white, and a bit of cerulean blue.  Once I put the background in I made sure to go around the edges of the base and pear and soften the edges.  Edges are really important in a painting, they can either make or break you'r painting so pay careful attention to your edges.  This is the finished painting, it took me an hour and a half to paint this one and I am really satisfied with it, hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, May 17, 2010

"Green Pepper"

"Green Pepper"
5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Hi everyone, well I have some exciting news I have made the top 20 in the Daily Painters contest!  If you guys would be so kind to vote for me I will really appreciate it, it's a huge thing for me and really excited about it. You can click here to vote for me just click on the five stars and thats it, its that quick!  Thanks again!
I started of with a dry brush approach, again I am not using any mediums with these paintings.  I raw umber just a little of it on the brush so I can sketch out my subject.  After the drawing was completed I stated the darkest darks which I just used ivory black and a tad bit of viridian.
Then for the mid tones I just used cobalt blue, cadmium yellow medium, viridian, and ivory black.  As you can see I am just dabbing the mid tones where they need to be and not putting excess paint all over the place where it does not need to be.  I then started to introduce the lighter mid tones I am creeping up to the highlights, just leaving the highlights as the canvas since it is the whitest you can go.  When I went lighter I used the same mixture of paint but with a little bit of titanium white to lighten the values in the respected areas.
Then I added the lighter tones and a bit of the highlights as well, just playing back and forth with the values and hues.  Making sure the forms look right and are turning with the light, then I filled in the background I used naples yellow, cerulean blue, and titanium white.  When I added the background I made sure to go around the edges of the pepper and soften certain areas.
Then I filled in the base as soon as I did that it brought the painting together, it was no longer a floating pepper!  I used burnt sienna, cadmium yellow medium, and raw sienna.  I also mixed some of the background colors into the base to give an atmospheric look.  The final pic is the finished painting, I went back into the pepper and added more viridian in certain spots which gave it more color.  I also restated the darker tones to push the highlights even more.  Overall I had fun with this quick painting, thanks for stopping by and viewing my painting, hope you enjoyed!

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Red Pepper"

"Red Pepper"
5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
I started with a dry brush approach again no mediums were used, then I went into the shadows of the pepper with ivory black and permanent rose.  I am just dabbing where the darks are stated with thin paints.
Then I went into the mid tones or mid values with cadmium red and ivory black.  Then I went into the base and added the dark tones first with ivory black and burnt umber.  I am not using any mediums through out these stages.  I am keeping the paints really thin so the drying time can go quicker and also its much easier to control the values and chroma.
Then I added the light of the base which was yellow ochre and titanium white and a bit of burnt umber.  I also put the background color in which was naples yellow, a bit of cerulean blue and titanium white.
As you can tell I have not put the highlights in until the last pic, which was the finished painting.  I build up to the lights just like one would do with a drawing.  I also added the green stem of the pepper after adding the background, going from dark to light values with the correct hues.  This whole painting was done with thin paints and the only thickest paints I applied was in the highlights with just titanium white. Thanks for stopping by and viewing!  

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Yellow Tomatoes"

"Yellow Tomatoes"
5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
Started with a dry brush, no mediums were used just a bit of burnt umber on the brush.
Then I filled in the base after the drawing was completed, I used burnt sienna, yellow ochre, and titanium black.  At this stage I am just stating where the colors are gonna be, I am not worried about taking the painting to a finish.
Then I filled in the background, I used naples yellow, cerulean blue, and titanium white.  I made sure to bring the background color to the edge of the base so it can visually blend, this will make the edge seem as if its going off in the distance.
I started on the tomatoes by stating the mid and dark tones first.  I used burnt umber, permanent rose, and  cadmium yellow medium.  I am starting to form the big shapes first before I get into to details.
I then covered the tomatoes with cadmium yellow light, naples yellow, and cadmium medium yellow.  Then I made sure to work on the big forms first making sure the mid tones are turning.
I went back into the tomatoes and smoothed out the areas that needed to be smoothed, and also went into the shadows and worked at the colors.
This is the finished painting, I worked on the base after I was satisfied with the tomatoes.  I enjoyed painting the smoothness of these tomatoes, and also playing with the reflected lights in the mid tones.  I hope you enjoyed this one and thanks for stopping by!