"Strawberries 2"
5 x 7 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
I started this painting again with a dry brush approach, no mediums just a tiny bit of burnt umber.
After I got my drawing down I went straight into the background adding the first thin coat. I go thin in the beginning because its easier to build on top and it does not get uncontrollable.
I thought I took a picture of just the strawberries before I painted the base. I essentially painted the strawberries before the base as you see in this pic, just stated the local colors. I made sure the form was turning before I moved onto the stems. After stating the stems I went to the base and did the same just dabbed the correct colors in their areas not worried about blending everything to perfection.
After the base was stated I went into the strawberries and started to add the smaller forms. I started with the lights and moved towards the darks.
After taking the strawberries to a finish I then moved onto the base and started to play around with it. It was so much fun working in this size of painting and playing with different effects. With the base I went from dark to light slowly adding the smaller forms, you do not want to rush this stage when you'r trying to bring things to a finish. Tones change just by the pressure of your brush so you have to be very sensitive to that, in the beginning I go quick but towards the end I take my time. I had lots of fun with this one, I hope you enjoyed it! Cheers!