Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"White Roses"

"White Roses"
8 x 10 in
Oil on Canvas Panel
I started this painting with a dry brush approach, no mediums and a bit of burnt umber on the brush.  I didn't put to much information inside the roses, I will do that with the correct colors.
I then went into the leaves and stems since they are the darkest area of the painting, I used ivory black, and viridian.
After the leaves and stems where stated I moved onto the background, just adding a thin layer of cerulean blue, naples yellow, ivory black and titanium white.
Since these are white roses I cannot just put heavy colors on at first, my strategy was to preserve the whiteness of the canvas since thats the whitest you can go.  By doing this I can concentrate on the darks and slowly go into the lights.  For the mid tones I used burnt umber, cadmium orange, ivory black, and titanium white.  I do not have a lot of paint on my brush in the level just keeping it thin.
After the mid tones where stated I went into the mid light tones and light tones.  There's a bit of color in the white roses, it picks up surrounding colors.  I introduced into the roses some yellow ochre pale, and cadmium yellow medium.  I am also putting titanium white in the highlights, I am doing this so the mid tones can flow into the lights.  I then go into the stems and state the greens, I used cobalt blue, and cadmium yellow light.
At this stage I am re-stating the darkest darks in the leaves and stems.  This will pop out the roses even more, I am just using ivory black for this.  I also went into the roses and stated the darkest darks, I used burnt umber, ivory black, and cadmium orange.
After the darks where stated I also added some light greens in the leaves to bring some light into the darkness of the leaves.  I also went back into the roses and smoothed out certain areas and kept others pretty loose.  In this final stage I take things slower in paint application, the light areas I tend to go thicker so the paints can catch the lights and in the darks I like to keep it thin.  I hope you enjoyed this one, it was a lot of fun to make!


Judy P. said...

Wow Jonathan- thanks for breaking down this complex piece; it's beautiful, and your procedure is always so steady, no matter what the subject. I'm especially impressed with your lost and found edges. It looks like you sold this one right off the easel! said...

Te ha quedado preciosas estas rosas blancas,un saludo .

billspaintingmn said...

I'm very impressed with this painting Jonathan!
I want to stop and smell these!

L.Holm said...

Beautiful work!

Debbie said...

Your paintings are wonderful!! The roses are amazing, and I especially appreciate the progress photos! I always am interested to see the stages a painting goes through.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I really appreciate your breaking down your process for painting this beautiful painting. Seeing the stages of how you created this is really interesting and informative.

SYLVIANE said...

Beautiful painting and your description of the process so interesting!